Sunday, August 28, 2011

what to do what to do

We all have "friends" in our lives.  You have the friends that no matter what you do they will always have your back or help hide the body if needed (BTW totally joke for those who cant tell)..  Then you have your going out buddies the ones you call when you are just looking to kick your heels up and have a good time or if needed hold your hair back while you find out what a hot dog and Jose taste like for the 2nd time that night.  These are what I like to call forever friends.  they are there thru the good and the bad and no matter what will have your back .  Even if it means ripping off there shoes to beat someone because they mooed at you (and yes that has happened)  Then there are what we will call wannabe friends.  They call you when they want something and never seen to have courtesy to chat about you.  I am not saying I wanna talk until your ear bleed about how awesome I am (even thou I could lol)  The worst thing these "fake friends" do is to call you just when they want something you have...  They either want money, ride, a place to crash or worst of all crimes they want your liquor... one of my biggest pet peeves with fake friends is when they call to bitch (and most the time its about someone else behind there back)  If I have an issue you can can take it to the bank im coming to settle this woman to woman...   My question is it ok to call out a fake friend......  I know I could just drop them but then all you are doing is creating drama for yourself...  I really wanna say put on your big girl panties and face the day.  You may not like the  out come but damn it you can then be called an adult...  Ok that's my rant for the day and its 3 am so if you see some spelling or grammar issues well blame public school and naps.  Oh but still give me your thoughts on these fake friends...  Keep them or lose them?

Friday, August 26, 2011


So more about me (because I am sure you want to know more..  I mean who wouldn't I'm awesome and so humble)  I am going to be 30 in less then 30 days and I am so not ready.  Not that anyone is ever ready per say.  Most women (notice I said most not all) do not like to grow older..  I am one of those such women.  Ok so most of my family would tell you I am a little bit worse.  I still tell people I am 25 because and I feel as long as I look 25ish I can get away with it.  I will totally not eat any over the hill birthday cake just because eating that cake would be agreeing I am that number.  LOL I don't know if all people are like me. I am pretty sure on my bday I will have to be committed cause my youth will have past me by.  I guess one of the things that bother me the most is I will b that old (see I didn't say the number) and I really haven't don't much with my life.  Sure I have a good job, amazing family and a rocking boyfriend...  The job is really the only thing I can take credit for and I don't know if it is worth that much.  I want something tangible I can hold in my hand and say look what I did.. I did this..  I think I may make a bucket list of thing and cross them off one by one.... I want people to say wow she really made something of herself

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

general information

I wanted to write a blog so I would have a space to call my own and have my views seen and heard..  I can promise you several things about my blog...  The first is that if you think you are going to be reading a blog that is politically correct.  Well your dumb..  lol   I can promise my blog will have killer bad grammar and spelling (even after spell check)  so if your looking for something with perfect grammar this is not the blog for you..  The second thing I can promise you is somehow someway you will be amused..  It maybe at my expense (Im ok with that) or just because I am a big ol dork!  I  am a proud dork! Just a little FYI ob what you will come to expect and (hopefully) love about my blog!